Our 27th Award, judged by Michelle Elvy, closes two weeks today,Sunday June 2nd. £1460 in prizes. Double and triple entries reduced. Results out by the end of June.
For inspiration I’m gathering up the BFFA 3rd and commended writers from our Awards. So far, I’ve posted winning and commended stories from Tim Craig and Debra A Daniel. This time, I’m posting stories from the third prize and commended writers who live in the South West of England. (which is where I live in between Bristol and Bath). Sometimes, these writers have been able to come and read in the reading evenings I organise in Bath. Others come to the Flash Fiction Festival in Bristol.. All these stories are published in our yearly anthologies, which you can buy either from Ad Hoc Fiction or from Amazon.(Links to Amazon for buying in your country on the Ad Hoc Fiction bookshop page).
They are all amazing stories of 300 words or under, on different subjects and in different styles.
Michael Fitzgerald from Bath was commended in June 2016 for his story, Faulkland Island Walk
Anita MacCallum from Bristol was commended in June 2016 with her story ‘Boobless’
These two are published in the first BFFA anthology. To Carry Her Home
Alison Powell from Somerset was commended in October 2020 for her story Our fathers, who we have strewn like seaweed behind us
Sam Payne from Devon won third prize in June 2020 with The Man You Didn’t Marry
These two are published in the 2020 anthology Restore to Factory Settings
Chloe Banks from Devon was commended in October, 2021 with her story If Everyone was a Superhero
This story is published in the 2021 anthology, Snow Crow
Kathryn Aldridge Morris from Bristol was commended in February 2022 with her story Rip Tide
Abigail Williams from Devon won third prize in June 2022 with her story Don’t mistake me for your crabapple
As well as winning third prize in 2020, Sam Payne from Devon,was also commended in February 2022 with her story
When a Youtube clip of Diego Goes Viral
These stories are published in the 2022 anthology, Dandelion Years
More third prize winners and commended writers coming in the next two weeks
Thanks to everyone who has entered the 27th Award so far. We look forward to reading all your stories and seeing who reaches the top five this time round!
Jude, May 19th, 2024