Up for pre-order now! The final 3 novellas-in-flash from our 2022 Awards

We’re delighted that pre-orders are now open at a 25% discount on the books, at our small press, Ad Hoc Fiction for the final three novellas-in-flash from our 2022 Awards, judged by Michelle Elvy. Last year, we were able to offer publication to the first prize winner, two runners-up, the commended and the shortlisted novellas. Ten in all. All seven others are already published Our big thanks to David Swann, runner-up in the 2022 Awards for The Twisted Wheel, Christoper M. Drew, highly-commended with Essence and Sheree Shatsky shortlisted for Summer 1969 for their patience in waiting over a year for publication.

All these books are fantastic reads and it’s fascinating to see how the authors have used the novella-in-flash form in different ways to tell their stories. Find out more about them from the brief synopses on the covers and from Michelle Elvy’s judge’s report.
Michelle also includes short quotes from each of the books.

As well as the writing, we love the striking covers of these novellas. Sam Hubbard, who also created the cover and artwork for Season of Bright Sorrow David Swann’s first-prize winning NIF from our 2021 Awards, has produced another stunning drawing for David’s novella The Twisted Wheel. Christopher M Drew produced his own very evocative cover image for Essence and John at Ad Hoc Fiction, created the cover for Summer 1969 from Sheree Shatsky’s brief. You can now order all three novellas at a pre-order discount price from Ad Hoc Fiction. And they will be published and available from the Ad Hoc Fiction bookshop and in paperback from Amazon worldwide on 14th June.

In more novella news, Ad Hoc Fiction is hoping to publish the winning novella and the two runners-up from our 2023 Novella in Flash Awards, this summer. We’ll keep you posted!

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2023 Saboteur Awards – nominations open!

We’re delighted that there is another round of the Saboteur Awards this year. They give a great boost to writers, event organisers and publishers.Thank you so much to everyone involved in putting on the awards again for 2023.
Last year we were thrilled that Sara Hills won the Best Short Story Collection Category with her brilliant collection The Evolution of Birds, published by Ad Hoc Fiction, our small indie press. Ad Hoc Fiction, was also shortlisted in the Most Innovative Publisher category, novellas-in-flash published by Ad Hoc Fiction were shortlisted in the Best Novella Category, and Snow Crow our the 2021 Bath Flash Fiction Anthology was shortlisted in the Best Anthology category.

If you have read and enjoyed any of the books published by Ad Hoc Fiction since March 2022, appreciate our small press, or attended and enjoyed the Flash Fiction Festival we sponsored last year, we would love you to nominate us. All the options for the categories possible to nominate in, are described below and there is a gallery showing the books and our logos.You can find out more about the books on the Ad Hoc Fiction bookshop.For handy reference, here is a link to the voting form.

Novellas-in-flash you can choose from to vote in the Best Novella category include, Lessons from The Water’s Edge by Caroline Greene, All Our Favourite Stories by Slawka G Scarso The Clothes Make the Man by Finnian Burnett, The Regeneration of Stella Yin, Kristen Loesch, Gull Shit Alley and Other Roads to Hell by Jupiter Jones; It Felt Like Everything by K.S. Dyall and Pixie Lore by Jeanette Lowe.

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Q & A with February 2023 Award 1st prize winner, Louie Fooks

It’s always interesting to see what inspired our first prize winning writers. Here our winner from February 2023, Louie Fooks, from Oxford, describes how a menacingly hot day followed by a storm inspired her winning story about a street seller in Milan. A great example of how a number of things co-incide to create a story with many levels. Read judge Sudha Balagopal’s comments on Louie’s story
(photo of the Duomo by alexandr hovhanni on Unsplash)

Q & A

  • Can you tell us what inspired your powerful and resonant story, Market Forces? 
    Absolutely! As part of my MA in Writing, I spent a term in Milan in summer 2016, working with author Tim Parks. The UEFA Champions League final was being played in the city, which was full of tourists and football fans, and it was a really hot, humid day. It felt like something was about to happen… a terror attack or some kind of incident.
    But what happened was a terrific thunderstorm, just as the match finished and everyone came out onto the streets at the same time. The street-sellers were doing a great trade in cheap umbrellas, and it sparked the idea for the story. I wanted to explore the experience and vulnerability of the migrants coming up from Sicily at that time, but also to show their enterprise and agency. And I also wanted to illustrate that who holds power in any situation isn’t static and changes as circumstances change and events unfold.

    (photo by ken-anzai-w3wXkDgXhG8-unsplash)

  • Did it go through many different versions?
    Not really. I had imagined a longer story but found it worked really well as a flash. It only took me about an hour but there was a lot of knowledge and life experience that I drew on in writing it. I’d like to develop it into a longer story or perhaps a memoir piece someday. I worked in Milan as an au pair when I was 18 so it also sparked a lot of reflections on how the world, and my life, has changed in that time.

(photo by simone-daino-Ji8W2boOb98-unsplash)

  • Were there particular writers that sparked off your interest in flash fiction?

My friends Hilary and Julie! I hadn’t really considered flash as a form because it seemed too limited. But seeing how beautifully they were able to craft really powerful stories in only three hundred words inspired me to give it a try. And I love the form. You can really hone your ideas and make sure every word counts. You just edit and polish until it works.

  • I believe you are currently writing a novel.  Can you tell us more about it? Are the themes in this novel similar to the themes in your winning story?
    My novel is an adult ‘growing up story’ set in the late 90s and early 20th century and the protagonist is a young English photographer finding his way in life as he navigates work, fatherhood, love, and family relationships. But it’s set against a background of world events and the conflict and migration of the period – so there is a lot about how society and individuals should respond to such issues. It’s a very ‘placey’ novel, and moves between London, South Sudan, Brazil, The Isle of Purbeck and many other locations along the way.
  • Do you have a favourite place for writing? 
    To be honest, most of the time I write in bed. Sometimes in pyjamas! I need absolute silence and no distractions so I’m not good at the café thing. I always write on a laptop, never longhand. And I edit constantly as I write. Things are never finished, I just run out of steam with them eventually.
  • Are you currently writing any more short fiction?
    Not at the moment. My ‘day job’ is as a freelance policy writer, so I have limited time for the creative stuff, and I’m concentrating on editing the novel. But I’d love to do more flash fiction and I’m hoping to return to it later this year. Bath is a great competition in that it gives writers something to aim for and a regular opportunity to get published.

Louie can be found on Facebook or contacted at louiefooks (at) hotmail (dot) com

Our 24th Award ends on Sunday June 4th.Judge Tim Craig

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John Brantingham’s report on the 2023 Bath Novella in Flash Award

Our big thanks to writer, editor and teacher, John Brantingham for his judging our 2023 and final Novella-in-Flash Award. John made a close read of twenty six novellas on the longlist and his enthusiasm comes across. His comments on the whole process of reading the longlist of 26 novellas in flash are very encouraging. We appreciate his offer for writers to reach out to him which he made in his previous comments when the short list was announced. We entirely agree that there were so many excellent examples of this exciting novella form among these and the other novellas submitted to the contest. We look forward to Ad Hoc Fiction publishing the top three novellas this year and hope that many of the others will find publishers soon. Read in Full

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Winners: Bath Flash Fiction Novella-in-Flash Award, 2023

We’re thrilled to announce the three winners and two highly commended writers for the 2023 Bath Novella in Flash Award, selected by our Judge, writer, editor and teacher, John Brantingham. Many congratulations to all five writers. John’s comments on the individual novellas-in-flash and all his comments on the process are in his judge’s report. As part of their prizes, the first prize winner and the two runners-up will be published by Ad Hoc Fiction later this year.

First Prize Winner: A Learning Curve by Jan Kaneen (UK)

John Brantingham commented:

A Learning Curve was personal and profoundly moving. The author draws us into a world of deep pain and helps us to understand the motivations of people whose actions might be dismissed by those on the outside. We are given an inside look at mourning and postpartum depression. The individual flash pieces vary in style and structure. Sometimes they are lists or hermit crab stories. Sometimes they play with punctuation. Always, the style is a new way into the emotional realities of the characters. This is a master class in the form, but I certainly wasn’t thinking about the control that the author had over structure. I was simply drawn into the stories and was moved by them. These are absolutely brilliantly written.

Jan Kaneen has loads of names – granny, mum, stepmum, wife, sister, auntie, daughter, carer and now, writer. She has an MA in Creative Writing (with distinction) from the Open University and writes as a form of exorcism – to leave overpowering emotions on the page and not in her. Her short and tiny fictions have won prizes in places like Flash 500, National Flash Fiction Day, Bath Flash, Molotov Cocktail, Segora, Ellipsis and Retreat West, and she’s been nominated for a Pushcart/Best on the Net every year since 2016. Her debut memoir-in-flash The Naming of Bones was published in 2021 by Retreat West Books.

Runner-up: Prodigal by Anna Wang (UK)

John Brantingham commented:

Prodigal uses the form to its full advantage. The author of this novella-in-flash understands the iceberg theory (that what we see in a brief scene can suggest a much fuller and complex reality) in a way that few writers do. The writing suggests the years of struggles it takes to become a woman, both the good and the bad. We are given insights into the small details of eating disorders and painful relationships. We understand what it means to grow and the difference between adulthood and adolescence through the small moments, what a haiku writer might call the moments between moments.

Anna Wang is a Bristol-based librarian and writer. Born in Malaysia, her family moved to the UK in 2005 when she was eleven years old. She has an MA in Creative and Life Writing from Goldsmiths, University of London, specialising in flash fiction. Having bounced around a few UK cities she settled comforatably in Bristol, where you can often find her at brew pubs with friends, or at home with her cat (Pendle).

Runner Up: The Top Road by Fiona McKay (Ireland)

John Brantingham commented:

The writer of The Top Road draws us into the consciousness of a small boy, which is often dangerous. People can underestimate the intelligence and sensitivity of children, and these stories can become overly sentimental. Not so here. The writer understands what it is to be a child in a way that Dylan Thomas and Charles Bukowski did. The writer also draws us into the consciousness of a fox. Writing from the point-of-view of an animal is also dangerous. Doing so can also be sentimental. Not so here either. In the tradition of Virginia Woolf’s Flush, the writer uses the perspective to complicate our understanding of the story. Rather than being sentimental, it is moving. We grow to care for the fox and the people with whom it interacts.

Fiona McKay is a SmokeLong Quarterly Emerging Writer Fellow for 2023. Writes with Writers’HQ. Words now or forthcoming in Bath Flash, Lumiere Review, Janus Literary, Pithead Chapel and others. Her writing has been nominated for Best Microfictions and Best Small Fictions. She is supported by the Arts Council Ireland Agility Award and lives beside the sea in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband and daughter.
Tweets about writing @fionaemckayryan

Highly Commended: Dancing in the Burning Fields by Karen Jones (UK)

John Brantingham commented:
As I read Dancing in the Burning Fields, I was reminded of Waiting for the Barbarians somehow, but I’m not exactly sure why. It has something to do with the tone of it or what the author chooses to focus on or think about. In any case, it’s an exceptional novella-in-flash. The chapters here are shorter than most other novellas-in-flash that I have read and the compactness of the writing draws us into what matters in the pieces. And I have to say, the imagery and language throughout is exceptional. The first moment of the manuscript drew me in, and there was never a page that did not move me.

Karen Jones is a flash and short fiction writer from Glasgow, Scotland. Her flashes have been nominated for Best of the Net and The Pushcart Prize, and her story ‘Small Mercies’ was included in Best Small Fictions 2019. She has won first prize in the Cambridge Flash Prize, Flash 500 and Reflex Fiction and second prize in Fractured Lit’s Micro Fiction Competition. Her work has been shortlisted for To Hull and Back, Bath Flash Fiction and Bath Short Story Award and longlisted for the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Her novella-in-flash When It’s Not Called Making Love is published by Ad Hoc Fiction. She is Special Features Editor at New Flash Fiction Review and an editor for National Flash Fiction Day anthology.

Highly Commended: The Rupture Gene by Jeanette Lowe (UK)

John Brantingham commented:

I found myself harboring a deep affection for Jack, the main character of The Rupture Gene. He is quiet and thoughtful. That he cares deeply for the people around him is apparent. I found myself thinking about a passage from The Catcher in the Rye about the books Holden Caufield likes: “What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn’t happen much, though.” I felt that way about Jack who is sensitive and thoughtful, and it made me think that the author is as well. Maybe the author is, who knows? The point is that the characterization here is beautiful, and this is a book I hope many people will read.

Jeanette Lowe, born in Dorset and now resident in Sheffield, is a former journalist and special needs teacher who is now devoting her time to writing fiction. Jeanette has a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing (distinction) from the University of Sheffield, and writes short stories and flash fictions, which have been published by Writers Magazine, Brittle Star, Flash500 and Dorset Voices. Her flashes have also appeared in three Bath Flash Fiction Anthologies. Her first novella-in-flash, Let the demons tiptoe, won second prize in the inaugural National Flash Fiction Day novella-in-flash competition (2021). Her novella-in-flash Pixie Lore is published by Ad Hoc Fiction (2022).

Further congratulations to all the other shortlisted writers and best wishes for their wonderful novellas in flash. We hope they will be out in the world soon: Me, I Call Myself Girl by Francine Witte (USA; Not Visiting the SS Great Britain by Emma Phillips (UK); His Raucous Girls by Kim Henderson (USA); A Year in Philadelphia Melissa Rosato, USA Melba Toasts Copy of the St Albans Register and Seed Co. Almanac by Electra Rhodes (UK)
And more congratulations and best wishes for publication to all the longlisted writers (names now included on the longlist announcement list).

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Shortlist, 2023 Novella-in-Flash Award

Congratulations to all ten authors who have made our 2023 Novella-in-Flash award shortlist, selected by our judge, John Brantingham.

The winners are now announced.
Below, John writes about the process of selecting the shortlist from the longlist of twenty-six novellas we sent him. So many wonderful novellas to choose from in the longlist and there were many more in the over 100 entries we received. Best wishes to all for future publication and thank you to everyone for entering.

Judging this year’s novella-in-flash contest has been a joy. I’m thrilled to see so many writers doing innovative work. People have been using new and effective approaches to point-of-view, structure, and voice. They are using the form in ways that I had never thought of, and I am gaining a new education on new approaches to flash and the novella-in-flash. I have narrowed the field down to the top ten, but as I’ve been reading, I have been imagining the publishers who would pick these works up and publish them as stand alone books. I am not talking about only the manuscripts in the short list either. The novellas on the longlist all have a special something. If you are included on the longlist, I would suggest submitting to a publisher for your work. If you would like help with that, please reach out to me. I will give whatever help or advice I can.

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Launch of Dandelion Years And Flash Fiction Festival Vol 5 in Bath

On Saturday 18th March, on the cusp of spring, we returned to St James Wine Vaults, Bath for the first live reading event there since February 2020 to launch Dandelion Years, the seventh Bath Flash Fiction Anthology and Flash Fiction Festival Vol Five. Thank you so much to everyone who came to read and to listen. It was a wonderful evening. The event was hosted by Jude Higgins and Diane Simmons. Writers came from all over the UK and it was such a treat to hear nineteen in all read their flash fiction stories and to meet them and their friends and family in person. We also had a photo cover cake (proudly made by Jude), other nibbles, wine and a raffle. Such a lot of fun! You can buy both books in paperback from Ad Hoc Fiction. Read in Full

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Q & A with Tim Craig, judge for 24th Award

Originally from Manchester, Tim Craig lives in London. A previous winner of the Bridport Prize for Flash Fiction, his short-short fiction has placed or been commended four times in the Bath Flash Fiction Award and has also appeared in the Best Microfiction 2019 and 2022 anthologies. His debut collection Now You See Him was published in 2022 by AdHoc Fiction.

A big thank you to Tim for being our judge. Our small press, Ad Hoc Fiction was honoured to publish Tim’s fantastic debut collection, Now You See Him last June. You can read more about the book here in an interview we did with Tim prior to publication. Christopher Allen, of SmokeLong Quarterly wrote on the back cover:

‘Tim Craig is a master of microfiction. With enviable confidence, Craig spins the most varied, playful and poignant tales. The stories in this collection, most a single tight page of killer prose, all deserve revisiting again and again and again.’

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Louie Fooks February 2023 First Prize

Market Forces

by Louie Fooks

Milan, May 2016

The air is hot and heavy as milk.

Football fans have come in for the big match, but they are at the stadium or watching in bars; the streets are quiet, and business is slow. No-one ‘needs’ the cheap tat Juma sells – phone cases and selfie sticks. And the rest. He’s tired and bored and hungry to his bones. Breakfast in the hostel was meagre, and a long time ago.

Looking up at the cathedral, he remembers the helicopters that dropped fire from the sky in his homeland. The bitter trek to the coast. Crossing the Med in a dingy not fit-for-purpose. Jumping trains to make it this far. He’d like to reach Germany one day. For now, he knows how to get by in this city.

He checks his mobile. Pigeons grub for scraps. A tourist admires the gargoyles. Juma moves the phone cases to the front of his display and adds plastic sunglasses from his tote bag. The mobile pings – a message from a brother in another country.

A collective howl of triumph and desolation and people spill out of the bars, intent on celebration or obliteration… just as the clouds crack and the rain falls – fast as bullets and heavy as lead.

Juma grabs everything and runs to the covered canopy of the Galleria, switching stock and setting up again. Umbrellas! Flimsy as hell; one use only. But right now that’s what’s needed, and people will pay. He’ll have half an hour before the police reach him.

Today, he thinks, is a good day as he serves the crowd clamouring – for once – for what he’s selling. Today, he’ll have a good meal and drink some beer with Isaac and Saul. And he’ll sleep with a full belly and credit on his phone.

About the Author

Louie Fooks is a freelance writer and policy consultant, specialising in health, development and environmental issues. She has an MA in Writing from the University of Warwick and spent a term in Milan as an Erasmus scholar. Her creative work is characterised by ‘life-writing’ and the careful observation of people and place. She has a drawer full of short stories and memoir pieces (in various states of repair) and is currently working on a novel.

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