Q & A with Marie Gethins, 30th Award judge

We’re delighted to welcome award winning writer, editor and writing tutor, Marie Gethins as judge for our 30th Award opening shortly and closing on Sunday June 8th, 2025.

Marie Geth­ins featured in Winter Papers, Bristol Short Story Award, Australian Book Review, NFFD Anthologies, Banshee, Fictive Dream, Pure Slush, Bath Flash Fiction Anthologies, and others. Selected for Best Microfictions, BIFFY50, Best Small Fictions, she edits for flash ezine Splonk, critiques for Oxford Flash Fiction Prize. She has won or been placed in many Awards including Reflex Fiction, TSS, The Bristol Short Story Prize, Bath Short Story Award. Flash Fiction Festival Online. She lives in Cork, Ireland.

  • You are an editor and interview manager for the Irish flash fiction journal Splonk (currently on haitus) and have interviewed many award-winning writers, including veterans of the short short form, Lydia Davis and Stuart Dybek, Can you tell us briefly about their remarks about flash fiction that stuck with you?
    I am an avid fan of both Lydia Davis and Stuart Dybek! They create whole worlds with incredible compression. They were fascinating to interview on short short stories.

    Davis employs a similar technique in her interview responses with very short but precise insights. I admire her advice to treat subjects with ‘respect’ and that a flash should be ‘fresh and unpredictable right up to the end–unpredictable, but not gratuitous’. I see a lot of submissions with twist endings that are not earned, which can be an easy trope to fall into.

    Dybek is far more detailed in his interview, providing so much helpful guidance coloured with personal experience. I enjoy his comparing flash to jazz and saying that it can ‘serve as a way of expanding, redefining, or breaking genre’ One of the aspects I love is the playfulness and flexibility of the form.

    • As well as your editorial work at Splonk, you are flash fiction editor for Banshee magazine in Ireland. What makes a successful flash fiction for you — one you would accept for publication?
    • Confluence and craft are key differentiators for me. Weaving two threads seamlessly into a flash provides depth, insight and often surprise. Metaphor, subtext, using language and/or situations in fresh ways can provide excitement. Every word should earn its place. Careful craft provides more to mine, so that even after multiple reads there are new revelations. Creative formatting that supports the text and thematic elements can work really well too. I’m pretty eclectic in my tastes, open to many styles and subjects. A straightforward, linear narrative without subtext that you read once and get the whole is unlikely to catch my interest. Some writers still seem to feel flash is only about word count.

    • You have been placed in, or won many short fiction awards, including 2nd place in The Bristol Prize 2023 (with a flash length piece) and third place in The Bath Short Story Award, 2024 and you have been published in numerous anthologies and journals. One of your most recent publications ‘Before the Implosion’ is in Fictive Dream’s flash fiction February 2025 It’s a marvellous flash that slowly reveals a back story about the characters that has had a huge impact on their current lives, Can you tell us how you went about writing this and its inspiration?
      ‘Before the Implosion’ is fiction, but neighbours from my California childhood inspired some aspects. I was in my late teens before I learned that a kindly neighbour (third generation American) and his family were interned during WW2. My school US history books did not mention that the camps had existed. While as writers we cannot say ‘history repeats itself’ because that is a cliché (!), current affairs certainly disturb me. I hope that in some small way the flash says, yes this can happen and empathy is really admirable.
    • Your stories are notable for their arresting titles — for eg your Scottish Arts Trust shortlisted piece To the new neighbour three doors down who steals my strawberries’, which we can hear you reading here ‘ Do you spend a lot of time working on titles for your stories?
      Titles are darn hard to get right but are especially important in flash where you have to say so much with so little. The ideal title is one that suggests something initially but provides a much deeper meaning after reading the flash. It is often the last thing I settle on and can take the greatest amount of time. Trust your reader. I find flash fiction lovers are a curious lot and are willing to do a bit of work if you provide the opportunity. If you name only one character or place in a piece, that can send the reader to do a bit of research on meanings. Changing a title word order can transform it. Do play around with your title, make it sing.
    • Oh, thanks so much for asking. I absolutely love my protagonist and miss him since I finished the novel some time ago. It also was longlisted in the 2024 Bridport Novel Prize.

      The Perpetual Lives of Horace Greenly follows a physically disabled immortal through three time periods: Victorian London, late 1980s San Francisco Bay Area, and a futuristic Stockholm. Born in Ancient Rome, Horace tries to resolve the mystery of why he is doomed to repeat adulthood, seemingly for eternity. When he discovers another immortal, he is excited until he learns her sinister plans for their shared world domination. In a futuristic Stockholm he faces two penultimate options: achieve death’s release through medical innovation or remain to thwart a future he cannot allow.

    • You also teach flash — offering critiques for the Oxford Flash fiction Award and courses for the Irish Writers’ Centre in Dublin. What do you like about teaching and have you any courses coming up?
    • It’s really rewarding to help people with editorial suggestions and then hear back that they have placed the piece. Sometimes it just needs a second pair of eyes to spot a few things, other times a different POV or moving paragraphs around and trimming. I love teaching—online, as with the Irish Writers Centre, or in person at literary festivals. Online there is usually a great international element and those different cultural perspectives are wonderful, often broadening our understanding of a flash. I teach three to four courses per year, each with different approaches, through the Irish Writers’ Centre online. I mention upcoming courses vis Bluesky (@mariegethins.bsky.social) or Instagram (marie_gethins).
    • Finally can you give a prompt for anyone who might want to enter the next round?
      In a busy open- plan restaurant a small party is seated near the very visible kitchen.
      Protagonist could be any member of staff or one of the seated party.
      Use the imperative as a mental address from protagonist to another person OR as a ‘conscience’ interiority (e.g. the devil or angel on a shoulder) as the meal progresses.
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    Tiffany Harris: February 2025, Highly Commended

    How to Fold a World Map

    by Tiffany Harris

    The third time the ICU called, I was folding Mongolia. The crease ran straight through Ulaanbaatar, crisp and irreversible. You have to be careful with these things, the way paper remembers every fold, every pressure, every hand that ever tried to smooth it back to what it was before.

    At your bedside, the maps pile up, pressed flat under an old biology textbook, the weight never quite enough to undo what I’ve done. I’ve folded the continents in ways they were never meant to bend. You don’t notice. Your fingers, small and bird-boned, worry the corner of your blanket instead.

    ‘You’ll tear it,” I say but your gaze is distant, caught somewhere between the IV pole and the darkened window. I know that stare. It’s the same one I wear when the nurses ask if I want anything — water, food, sleep. Things I used to need before all of this.

    You ask me what I’m making today. I tell you it’s a crane, but that’s a lie. The truth is, I don;t know. I keep folding, keep pressing my thumb along fault lines that don’t exist.

    You’ve started doing this thing where you close your eyes mid-conversation, as if testing how the world feels without looking at it. I try not to count how long they stay shut. I try not to notice when you take longer to reopen them.

    That night, I sit in the hard plastic chair and watch your chest rise and fall in time with the heart monitor. You sleep like you are trying to hold onto something, but in the morning, you reach for me instead.In your hands, a crumpled thing, creases running wild across its surface.

    “It’s a heart,” you say. “For you.”

    You smooth the Pacific first, careful not to tear Japan.

    About the Author

    Tiffany Harris

    Tiffany Harris is a flash fiction author and sales enabler living in NorCal who hasn’t been the same since Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout discovered the world doesn’t wait for garbage to take itself out. She is the winner of the Tadpole Press 100-Word Writing Contest and has been longlisted for SmokeLong Quarterly’s Grand Micro Prize (The Mikey) and the Not Quite Write Prize with words appearing or forthcoming in Black Glass Pages, Humana Obscura, WestWord, Buckman Journal, and elsewhere. When not writing, she’s busy convincing herself that sarcasm counts as cardio.

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    Jay McKenzie, February 2025, Highly Commended

    Forgive Me Martha

    by Jay McKenzie

    Forgive me Martha, for I have not trimmed. It has been six months since my last haircut and I have used the GHDs with abandon. I home dyed and forgot to Vaseline my hairline. I went on holiday and let sunscreen grease and the bitter tang of chlorine strip my hair of moisture. I squeezed raw lemon juice on my head and baked under a relentless sun, I singed the ends with a drunken cigarette. I let a postman from Ross-on-Wye tangle his fat sausage-fingers in it, didn’t cry too hard when he pulled some out. Oh Martha, forgive me for the way I took to the split ends, pinching the forked tails with bitten fingernails and split them apart like conjoined twin surgery. Back when I stopped getting out of bed, I didn’t brush or wash it for a month. When I eventually bathed, thick spider legs of hair lay inert across the greying surface of the water and I wondered how red my blood would look mixing with the soap scum. Since my boyfriend left, I have yanked no fewer than seven fat greasy locks from random spots on my head to send him in the post and all I got in return was a community police officer warning. O my God, I am heartily sorry for having wrecked my halo, and I detest all my transgressions because I dread the loss of the thing I hide behind to give the appearance of beauty and the pains of potentially having to show the world my bare and unhidable face. I have offended you, my stylist, my listener, whose work is art, whose ears are always open. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy healing hands, to do penance, and to amend my ways. Amend.

    About the Author

    Jay McKenzie’s work appears in Maudlin House, The Hooghly Review, Fahmidan Journal, Fictive Dream and others. She has been recognised in prizes such as Exeter Story Prize, The Henshaw Prize, Quiet Man Dave, Edinburgh Story Award, Oxford Flash Fiction Prize, Exeter Novel Prize, The Alpine Fellowship, Bath Short Story Award, Aesthetica Creative Writing Award, The Bridport Prize, Fish Short Story Prize, The Wenlock Olympian Prize and the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. Her novel, Mim and Wiggy’s Grand Adventure (Serenade, 2023), will be followed by How to Lose the Lottery (Harper Fiction, 2026).

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    Sara Hills: February 2025, First Prize

    Like Dynamite

    by Sara Hills

    The time Ben and Mark jumped their BMX bikes off Pullman Street bridge; the time they jammed bricks in their pockets and tried to baptize themselves in Snake River; the time they shot BBs at each other’s bare calves and blotted the blood with their t-shirts; the time they huffed turpentine; the time they huffed rubber cement; the time they huffed Mark’s ma’s bleach and Ben’s ma’s oven cleaner and the hollow belly of an old gas can warmed in the sun; the time they compared their dads’ Sunday night beatings to their mas’ squalls of disappointment; the time they vowed they’d try harder to fit in; the time they swore they’d fuck Jenny Jamison if they got the chance; the time they each got the chance and chickened out; the time they joked they’d rather suck Jesus off the cross than even kiss a skank like Jenny Jamison; the time they snuck out of church after call to worship; the time they snuck out of church during Lord’s Prayer; the time they sprinted clean past the parking lot and on down Rutger Road in their Miami Vice jackets and Sunday ties and darted into the woods, pines gianting around them while Ben pulled a plastic bag from his pocket and his church tie from his neck and begged Mark to hold him down, eyes wide, Ben’s open mouth like a fish, pulsing against the plastic, thrashing, kicking up the sweet rot of earth and again, a perfect hum engining under their collective ribs, both of them hard as pylons, as bridge railings, lit like dynamite, their mouths fogging the taut plastic between them.

    About the Author

    Sara Hills is the author of TThe Evolution of Birds (Ad Hoc Fiction, 2021), winner of the 2022 Saboteur Award for Best Short Story Collection. She has won or placed in the Smokelong Mikey, 2023, QuietManDave Prize for flash nonfiction, the Retreat West quarterly prize, National Flash Fiction Day’s micro competition, Bath Flash Fiction Award, and The Welkin Prize. Sara’s work has been selected for the Wigleaf Top 50, The Best Small Fictions, and the BIFFY 50, as well as nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Microfictions, and Best of the Net.

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    Dawn Miller: February 2025 Second Prize


    by Dawn Miller

    We prowl through corridors as she scuttles away, shoulder knocking metal lockers. Baggy sweater, lank hair, a zit on her chin—there’s too much to make fun of—and so we snap gum in her ear, snap her bra strap in science, snap photos of her eating homemade pickle-and-cheese sandwiches in the library, then post them online with tags like loser, creep, waste of space.

    We are fifteen and glorious, light-filled and honey-limbed. Boys seep through our gel-tipped fingers like the inches of gin, whiskey, and vodka we steal from our parents’ liquor cabinets and funnel into thermoses, then anoint with packets of purple Kool-Aid and call the mixture Jesus Juice.

    We lord over hallways as the girl with the zit—Rebecca or Rachel or Rochelle—morphs smaller and smaller, then growl pig, lizard, rat, as she scurries by, the bite of syllables making us lick our lips, hungry for more.

    Under black-blossom clouds, we link arms for selfies and tip noses to catch bubble-gum scents in the breeze, scavenge communion wafers in chapel and spit them into our hands. We cross fingers in confession and kiss broad-shouldered boys with our purpled tongues, tangy and sweet. We nuzzle, teeth sharpened, eyes always open.

    We wait, shifting like shadows, until Rebecca or Rachel or Rochelle’s spot on the bus sits empty, and classmates offer heart emojis and candlelight vigils, our power a warning, a thirst, a howl echoing in the sky.

    At night, cell phones clasped to our chests, we stroke tuffs of down, thick as cream along our ears and throats—then make crosses in the air because we’re not stupid girls, not silly girls, we know about survival of the fittest, the wild terror of existence, and the appetite for flesh that’ll rise again tomorrow.

    About the Author

    Dawn Miller

    Dawn Miller is the winner of the 2024 Forge Literary Magazine Flash Fiction Contest, 2024 winner of the Toronto Star Short Story Contest, and Best Microfiction 2024 and 2025. Nominated for Best Small Fictions and The Pushcart Prize, her stories can be found in many journals and anthologies. She is the proud recipient of a 2024 SmokeLong Quarterly Fellowship for Emerging Writers. She lives and writes in Picton, Ontario, Canada. Find her online at www.dawnmillerwriter.com

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    Erin Bondo, February 2025: Third Prize

    Eloise Writes as the World Burns

    by Erin Bondo

    As rockets fall like rain on the southern counties – it is safe, for now, in the North – she drops a bomb on the fictional McElroy farmhouse. A necessary evil, they said. She strikes necessary from the page. It is too early for line edits, but evil is evil, she thinks, as the timbers crack and give.


    When she wants to scream, she puts them on the lips of Mae MacEwan, who screamed as the soldiers ripped her son from her arms. But she must give these screams to the present, for this is where her own grief keens, day after night after day. Mae MacEwan is screaming as her world rends in two.


    The radio sputters with news of renewed ground activity and she tears down the walls of Avignon, as if she can force the onslaught away, rake the invading troops eastward across the war room table with her words. She wonders if they are using paper maps now that the grid is compromised, because then they are not so different: both playing God on paper.


    At the Episcopal church two streets over, the congregation is mid-recitation when an unnamed antagonist firebombs the nave. Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. As the flames consume the altar, she plucks the Browns’ youngest from her pew – she cannot bear the girl’s burning flesh on the page. She sends more ambulances, more fire brigades, more volunteers, but the city still burns and burns.


    Each night, she gathers them – the Browns, the MacEwans, the McElroys – hides them in cramped cellars and heaving underground stations, hopes her family will benefit somehow from this authorial benevolence. If they make it through the night, so do we. She repeats it like a mantra until she is written in past tense.

    About the Author

    Erin Bondo grew up in rural Ontario, Canada on the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinabek and now lives in Scotland. She has been longlisted for the Welkin Mini prize and has work forthcoming in the BFFA and Flash Fiction Festival anthologies. Find her on Bluesky @erinbondo.com

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    29th Award Round-Up

    This round we received 1068 submissions in the Award, submitted from the countries listed below. A big thank you to everyone who entered. We appreciate the early birds, the middle way and the ones who enter last minute and, as a bit of fun, get our Last Minute Club Badge. We often see new places in the world on this list and it is exciting to think that people are writing such inventive tiny tales the world over and sending them in.

    Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

    We loved the inventiveness of the stories entered. There were so many interesting angles on people’s lives, their fears, their mistakes, their emotional reslience or overwhelm. The stories made our readers cry, feel a deep sense of recognition, laugh, hold their breath and wonder.

    A further big thanks to award winning prose and poetry writer and teacher, Sarah Freligh for reading and selecting the short list and the winners in our quick turn-around time. You can read her report here with its excellent observations and comments here.

    This time first prize went to UK based Sara Hills ‘Like Dynamite’. This is Sara Hills’ second first prize win with us and she joins two others (William Davidson and Sharon Telfer) who have also won twice.
    Second prize was awarded to Dawn Miller from Canada, for her story ‘Pack’.
    Third prize to Erin Bondo from the UK for her story ‘Eloise Writes as the World Burns’.
    Jay Mckenzie, a British writer currently residing in Korea, was highly commended for her story ‘Forgive me Martha’
    and Tiffany Harris, from the US was highly commended for ‘How to Fold a World Map’.
    All five stories are brilliant .
    Huge congratulations to all! We’re looking forward to printing these winners, and all those from the long and short lists who have accepted publication,in our 2025 anthology,

    Our 30th Award, judged by award=winning writer, editor and teacher, Marie Gethins from Ireland, opens Saturday March 1st, and ends on Sunday 8th June. Read Marie’s interview with Jude here. We look forward to reading your stories!

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    Judge’s report, February, 2025 Award

    Report from our judge, Sarah Freligh

    There’s a famous story about United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart who, when asked to describe his test for obscenity in 1964, responded: “I know it when I see it.” I admit that I was hoping for the same regarding the fifty longlisted stories Jude Higgins sent my way: that the top five stories would magically present themselves with a trumpet fanfare and a chorus line of high-kicking dancers so of course I would know the winners when I saw them.

    Truth is, it was a little (read: a lot) more complicated than that, especially when the entries felt so much like snowflakes, each of them unique and beautiful and entirely original in their execution. I read stories drawn from “real life” while others were anchored in a speculative world; stories that commanded attention from a fist punch of a first sentence and others that started quietly yet stealthily and accrued power and tension with each sentence. So no, I didn’t “know it when I see it,” but the five stories I’ve chosen out of the fifty on the longlist impressed me with their attention to craft and fealty to story.

    I should say here that I’d be remiss not to give a shoutout to a couple of shortlisted stories I can’t stop thinking about, among them: The Body Is Capable of So Many Hungers (for its deep-dive into the many iterations of “hunger”), Breath and Bone (for its poignant exploration of obligation and love, even when its hard) and One Sugar (for its terrific narrative voice).

    Writing about the short story, Edgar Allan Poe argued for the necessity of a “unity of effect,” i.e., how each choice an author makes during the drafting and revising of a story must be deliberate and intentional, in service to the story’s conflict, characters and themes. Ultimately, that’s the yardstick I used to decide on the five finalists. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.

    Highly Commended: Forgive Me Martha
    I love how the author takes the convention of a confession, the sacrament of penance, and knocks it on its head. There’s just enough of the confessional to be recognizable here and yet the writer alters it in enough ways as to create something new and fresh. That’s evident from the very first sentence, with the “Forgive me Martha,” a conceit that’s held aloft until the final – wonderful!— word “Amend.” The point of view of a first-person narrator addressing another character can be such a high wire act, so easy to take a misstep and tumble into the land of exposition for the sake of the reader, but the writer avoids that by gradually raising the stakes of the narrative with each stated truth, alternately poignant and hilarious, eventually revealing the reason for what’s brought them here to the “confessional.”

    Highly Commended: How to Fold a World Map
    I’m a sucker for “how to” titles for the bit of mystery they present and the suggestion that the story will answer the implicit question that’s raised in the title. This one amazed and surprised me with its bit of misdirection in the first sentence, which is not the voice of instruction as so often is the case with a “how to” title, but something else altogether. The situation – someone from the ICU is calling – and the odd action—“. . . I was folding Mongolia” – is a knockout combination for a first sentence: a character, a conflict and a bit of mystery. Reading this, we come to understand that the act of folding those maps is a coping device for the narrator, actions that they repeat in order to distract and deflect them from situation in front of them: the unnamed “you,” a loved one in an ICU bed and their impending loss. It’s a stunning capture of a few moments in these characters’ lives, an intersection during which so much changes.

    First Place: Like Dynamite

    Of all the definitions out there of “story,” I think my favorite is that it’s “a container for change”—a requisite element for a novel or a standard-length short story, but so very hard to pull off in a micro of three hundred words or fewer. But my first-place choice, “Like Dynamite,” does this brilliantly with each and every word, image, action and – yes – even and most especially the punctuation. This writer understands the power of words, not merely their meaning in a sentence or an image, but the sounds and cadence of each and every syllable. Essentially, the story is one long sentence, but a sentence parceled out by semicolons, each phrase alluding to a different “time” and a different action in which these boys, Ben and Mark, try to obliterate themselves and their need. Rather than the breathlessness of no punctuation, the semicolons underscore the boys’ starts and stops, each try and fail, until the last “time” when “they sprinted clean past the parking lot and on down Rutger Road” and the prose, unfettered, rises and pushes us and them toward that amazingly powerful and haunting ending. Throughout this story, the anaphora of “the time” is a drumbeat accompanying the rising story arc, each time bringing them – and us – closer, closer to that inevitable end.

    Truly, it’s like dynamite.

    Second Place: Pack

    Everything in this story – from the title to the last words – establishes and then supports the conceit of these teenage girls as something feral and predatory, something to be feared and obeyed or else: “our power a warning, a thirst, a howl echoing in the sky.” The title “Pack,” with its evocation of survival in numbers, sets the table so effectively for the feast that follows and the plural first-person point of view of the collective “we” is the perfect vehicle to drive that notion. Paired early on with verbs like “prowl” and “scuttles,” the reader is immediately dropped into a world of mock-or-be-mocked and each repetition of “we” and what they do to maintain their place in the pecking order raises the stakes and deepens and expands the characterization of this group. I love, too, how, in the last paragraph, the girls finally morph into animals with their “tuffs of down, thick as cream”—I swear I can smell the blood on their whiskers! Above all, there’s something universal at work here, something that speaks uneasily to the present day where cruelty rules and kindness is something weak, an underbelly to be attacked for its hopeful vulnerability.

    Third Place: Eloise Writes as the World Burns

    The title is such a fabulous tip-off to the meta-ness of this story, its allusion to the overriding theme of writer as god. I love how the first sentence of the story drops us immediately into this situation—a bomb is dropped “on the fictional McElroy farmhouse”—and reading this, we both witness and understand the ability of the “author”—Eloise—to wreak havoc or spare characters with a few cross-outs or keystrokes. There’s a sense early on that Eloise as author is in charge of this world—in essence, “playing God on paper”—which shifts into something else by story’s end, something that’s grown beyond her authorial control. A church is bombed and “she plucks the Browns’ youngest from the pew,” but despite sending “more ambulances, more fires brigades, more volunteers” . . . “the city still burns and burns.” The conflict, then, becomes the story itself and the author’s struggle to maintain control and direction of the story to the point where she “gathers them – the Browns, the MacEwans, the McElroys” nightly and hides them in safe places, in “hopes her family will benefit somehow from this authorial benevolence” – a suggestion, perhaps, that at some point, our stories take the wheel and we, as authors, are just along for the ride.

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    Short List, February 2025 Award

    Huge congratulations to the twenty authors who have made our 29th Award short list

    Author names are yet to be announced, so while it is fine to share you are on the short list, please do not identify yourself with your particular fiction at this stage.

    Winners will be announced by the end of the month. Any questions, contact us.

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    February 2025 Long List

    Congratulations to all the authors who have made our Award long list and huge thanks to all who entered.

    Author names are yet to be announced, so while it is fine to share that you are on the long list, we do ask that you do not identify yourself with your particular fiction at this stage.

    We receive many many entries, and occasionally some entries have the same title. We are in the process of sending an offer of publication email to all authors on the long list. Please do not assume you are on the long list unless you have received that publication offer. If in doubt, contact us.

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