
Bath Flash Fiction Hot Spots

The Almost Annual Report

Bath Flash Fiction Award was set up the beginning of February 2015. By October 2015, we’d received 1000 entries, longlisted, shortlisted, judged – courtesy of Annemarie Neary, published and paid our winners. In the meantime, April 2015 saw us create and launch Ad Hoc Fiction.

By the time our second award closes on February 14th 2016, we’ll be 1 year and 3 days old. Across our Bath Flash Fiction and Ad Hoc Fiction sites we’ll have had around 172000 page views, 46000 unique visitors and 7000+ fictions submitted.

For those crunching numbers and getting jittery about the chances of winning Bath Flash, don’t worry. Because it’s free, easy to enter and publishes weekly, the vast majority of submissions go to Ad Hoc Fiction. When the four month submission window closes on Bath Flash, we’re guessing the award will have seen somewhere between 200 and 400 entries. Happily, as with our first run, writers continue to support us with their work from around the world – thank you.

With longlist readers and our judge Tania Hershman primed and ready to roll, all we need to complete our first year is your finest creations in 300 words or less. And remember, all submissions will be considered for publication in our forthcoming anthology.

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Bath Flash Fiction Award. Our First Week.

Bath Flash Fiction Award opened just one week ago on the 12th February 2015. Already, we are receiving entries and signing up members from all around the world. The pictogram below shows our opening first week in visitor numbers. We would like to thank all of you for the amazing amount of support and encouragement that you have afforded us over our launch week. We feel confident that, because of you, the Bath Flash Fiction Award community  will continue to grow from strength to strength.


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