Title Word Count from our 1st Prize Winners

With the end of the 29th £1460 prize fund Award, judged by Sarah Freligh coming up this Sunday, 2nd February (thank you to all who have entered so far) I had a look at the title word counts of the first prize winners since our inaugural award winner in October 2015! Have a read of the stories and how the titles work with them. We’re split pretty evenly between one, two and three word title stories, with two word stories just pipping it at eight. And just the two five worders and the one ten worder!
I will have a look at the title word count for the second prize winners next. It might be quite different…

Stories linked here:

One word titles:
Detente by Dawn Tasaka Steffler
Sequelae by Rachel Blake
Angie by Marissa Hoffman
Pony by Rose McDonagh
Siren by Fiona J Mackintosh
Extremeties by K M Elkes
Cleft by Gaynor Jones

Two Word Titles:
Snow Crow by Doug Ramspeck
Sea Change by Fiona Perry
Remembered Yellow by William Davidson
Blessings, 1849 by Johanna Robinson
Terra Incognito by Sharon Telfer
Market Forces by Louie Fooks
Radio Alarm by William Davidson
Candy Girls by Christina Dalcher

Three Word Titles
Eight Spare Bullets by Sharon Telfer
The Button Wife by Dara Yen Elerath
Tying the Boats by Amanda O’Callaghan
Visiting Lenin’s Tomb by Kathryn Aldridge Morris
Roll and Curl by Ingrid Jendzrejewski
One in Twenty-Three by Helen Rye

Four Word Titles
Let Them Eat First by Geeta Sanker
A Roadmap of Womanhood by Louise Mangos
A Palimpsest of Cheerleaders by Mairead Robinson

Five word Titles
A Cock Among the Bathers by Sara Hills
The Metamorphosis of Evaline Jackson by Kathy Hoyle

And One 10 word title!
Things Left and Found at the Side of the Road by Jo Gatford

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