The weather where we were at the launch of BFFA Volume eight was stormy, but the party in St James Wine Vaults, Bath, where we launched both anthologies was wonderful. Seventeen people came to read. We heard winning, shortlisted and longlisted stories from The Weather Where You Are by
Sara HIlls, Mairead Robinson, James Ellis, Mark Barlex, Kathryn Eldridge-Morris, Nick Havergal, Lotty Talbutt, Alison Woodhouse and Sophie Hampton
Stories in the Flash Fiction Festival Anthology Vol Six, were read by authors Michael Loveday, Kathryn Aldridge Morris, Grace Palmer, Jude Higgins, John Wheway, Damhnait Monaghan, Diane Simmons, Sara Hills Cole Beauchamp, Sara Hills and Anna M Wang. So many brilliant stories in both anthologies and it was so good hearing them read out loud.
As you can see from these lists some authors had a story in both anthologies and read them both and Mark Barlex read two of his stories which were listed in different rounds of the 2023 BFFA Awards.
We had a cake (pictured above ) with a cover showing part of the cover of each anthology to celebrate, along with wine and snacks. There was also a raffle of festival anthologies and other Ad Hoc Fiction books plus two bottles of Argentinian red wine kindly donated by Cole Beauchamp.
The twenty sixth round of BFFA is being judged this month and the new Award will open March 1st. Everyone longlisted in this and the other two awards in 2024 will be offered publication and a free copy of the book when it is printed at the end of the year. Everyone coming to the 2024 Flash Fiction Festival will also be able submit stories to be considered for publication in the seventh (violet coloured) edition of the rainbow series of Festival anthologies.
Booking for the 2024 Flash Fiction Festival weekend we sponsor, 12-14th July is open now. More details at