The Last Minute Club is open! Our 26th Award closes today, Sunday 4th February at midnight. Prizes £1000 first, £300 second, £100 third prize £30 for two runners up. One entry £9.00. Two entries £15.00, Three entries £18.00. Anthology publication offer for all fifty longlisted in our 2024 BFFA Anthology. Up to 300 words. Judge Susmita Bhattacharya from the Uk. Read her judge’s interview here. Results out by end of Feb. Enter here.
Here is the last minute club badge that John at Ad Hoc Fiction created again for the 26th Award. Green and pale brown Anyone entering today should get one with their entry confirmation.
Yesterday, 3rd Feb, we had a guess-the-colour-of-the badge contest on X and facebook. Thanks to those who entered.
You guessed lemon and lime, red and yellow, rainbow, orange and purple, light blue and dark blue, black and blue, purple and grey, crimson and bubble gum pink, lie green and light purple, fuschia and yellow, black and purple. Hope I haven’t missed any? It closed yesterday, so late entries not counted. No sign of pale brown and green, so I put the names in a hat and have pulled out Flemming George (lime green and light purple). Flemming’s excellent novella in flash Reverse Echo was shortlisted in our 2023 Novella in Flash Award shortlisted by John Brantingham so it’s nice he gets a little prize.
Good luck to all and thanks to everyone who has entered. Today and in weeks gone by. We appreciate your support, as always.