Come to this joint launch on Zoom, hosted by Jude Higgins on Wednesday 15th September 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm BST of two excellent and innovative novellas in flash, Hairy on The Inside by Tracy Fells and TThe Death And Life Of Mrs Parker by Jupiter Jones. At the launch they’ll talk more about their novellas and how they went about writing them and read several stories. There’ll be break out groups, a Q & A and a book giveaway of each of the novellas,
Email Jude at jude{at}adhocfiction{dot}com for a Zoom link.
Both these novellas were short-listed in the 2021 Bath Flash Fiction Novella in Flash Award by judge Michelle Elvy.
Hairy On The Inside was published by Ad Hoc Fiction on 27th August and is available to buy from the Ad Hoc Fiction bookshop as well as from Amazon in paperback, The Death and Life of Mrs Parker is currently on pre-order at Ad Hoc Fiction with a 25% discount until publcation at Ad Hoc Fiction and Amazon on 10th September.
There’s not often humour in novellas in flash but there is in both these novellas plus great dialogue and plot.Tracy and Jupiter both read brilliantly from their novellas at the last of the current series Flash Fiction Festival Days and it will be a treat to hear them read more of their stories. Here’s what judge Michelle Elvy said about each of these books in her judge’s report for the 2021 Novella in Flash Award.
Hairy on the Inside. A group of flatmates try to hold onto their compassion and civilising tendencies in the face of pestilence and plague – mostly. Their new lockdown lives include all the typical things, from counselling sessions to book clubs. But this is no ordinary tale: you will howl when the moon is full and grimace when there’s a hunger for blood. A funny and irreverent monster mash-up, with love in the mix, too, and a serious message about how to be the real you. Carefully written with excellent pacing but also: it’s clear how much fun the writer had writing this!
The Death and Life of Mrs Parker. Set in the structure the title suggests, this novella brings the reader into the moment of Mrs Parker’s demise and then, with swift moves and snappy dialogue, takes us through her life (moments both special and mundane), all while the ambulance lights flare and the compressions are counted. A life lived, a life revived, a life lost: there are many wonderful moments in this clever set of stories.
More novellas in flash from our 2021 Award will be out with Ad Hoc Fiction this Autumn and Our next novella-in-flash award for novellas in flash from 6,000 to 18,000 words in length is now open for entries. The Award is judged again by Michelle Elvy and it closes January 14th 2022.