It’s amazing that we are shortlisted for the Saboteur Awards in five categories this year! Ad Hoc Fiction in The Most Innovative Publisher category, the Flash Fiction Festival in the Best Literary Festival category and the four books described below in the Best Anthology, Best Novella and Best Short Story Collection categories. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for us. We are very excited by all this emphasis on flash fiction in the Saboteur Awards. And if you love flash, the festival and these books, we’d be delighted if you could vote again for them to win.
It is a first for us to have a Bath Flash Fiction Anthology in the shortlist for the Best Anthologuy. In previous years we have made the longlist. We love the title With One Eye On The Cows and the cover of this our fourth Bath Flash anthology. And the stories within are stunning. 135 micros from world wide authors. You can see the gallery of where the author copies were posted to here. And here’s a review of it by writer Judy Darley.
All that is Between Us, the acclaimed collection of flash fiction by K.M. Elkes is shortlisted in the Best Short Story Collection category. We think it’s a marvellous collection, available from our bookshop and on Amazon kindle, and we are so pleased it is listed. Ken has links to several reviews on his website. And it has appealed to those not familiar with the form, like the editor of The Bath Magazine, where a micro from the book was posted in December 2019 in an article Jude wrote about flash fiction. A story from the book was a first prize winner in one of our 2018 Awards, and another one was selected for Best Micro fiction, 2020
The novella-in-flash is a very exciting form. And ‘Bird With Horse Hearts’ a novella-in-flash set in Nepal by UK writer Eleanor Walsh is shortlisted in the Novella category this year. This novella won the 2019 Bath Flash Fiction, Novella in Flash Award judged by Michael Loveday, and it vividly shows the life of poor women in Nepal and their wishes for a better future, which can never be realised. Read this fascinating interview by Eleanor about the book and her process of writing it. This book has been posted all over the world to interested readers.
We’re thrilled also that ‘Homing’ by Johanna Robinson, another wonderful novella-in-flash is shortlisted in the Best Novella category. This historical novella spans several decades and concerns the Norwegian Resistance movement in World War Two. It was a runner-up in the 2019 Novella In Flash Award. Johanna writes more about it in our interview with her last year. And this novella is also one that has been sold all over the world via our Ad Hoc Fiction bookshop.
Our best wishes to all the authors and for our anthology.
Voting opens to the public once more on April 19th. And we would so much appreciate your votes.
Thank you.