Our fourth Bath Flash Fiction anthology, With One Eye On The Cows, title story by New Zealand writer Annette Edwards-Hill, who we’ve interviewed here, containing 137 micros from the 2019 Awards, was dispatched all over the world in December. Thank you to all contributors who posted pictures on social media of their anthologies, either with cows or other animals, real or not and in portraits. We hope we haven’t missed out any pictures we saw and if you want to add any to the gallery. please let us know. The anthology is available to buy in several different currencies from the Ad Hoc Fiction Bookshop. And we thank Annette very much for inspiring the cover. We are very fond of the cow image and of the title.The anthology will be launched alongside Flash Fiction Festival Three, the anthology of stories from the 2019 Flash Fiction Festival, in Bath on Saturday, February 8th. It will be a fun and pacy evening, with about 12 authors from each anthology reading. Plus cake, wine and nibbles. If you want to come and listen, let us know asap. The next Bath Award, judged by Santino Prinzi, closes on February 16th and all fifty longlisted authors will be offered publication in our 2020 anthology, which will be published by Ad Hoc Fiction at the end of the year.