The gallery room at St James Wine Vaults, Bath was packed with readers, their friends and family and our guests for the joint launches of Flash Fiction Festival Two and Bath Flash Fiction, Vol 3, Things Left and Found By the Side of the Road. last Saturday, 19th January. We heard a wonderful variety of flash fictions from twenty-two readers in all, who had travelled miles from all over the country to attend. Bath Flash Fiction supplied wine and two ‘book cover’ cakes, which you can see Jude cutting up in the pictures, to celebrate the occasion. Everybody read brilliantly and we thank them very much for coming.
In the first half of the evening, ten writers, pictured in a group here, and who you can see individually in the gallery below, read their micros from Flash Fiction Festival Two, beginning with well-known flash writer, poet and Reader at Bath Spa University, Carrie Etter, who led a workshop at the festival and who is quoted recommending it as a place to be inspired on the back of the anthology.

Ad Hoc Fiction donated the ten books published over the past couple of years towards a raffle to raise money towards a reduced place for a writer on a low-income who might want to come to the next Flash Fiction Festival and Jude donated her pamphlet The Chemist’s House. Alison Woodhouse, who is a member of the Festival Team for 2019, did a great job of selling the tickets to everyone in the room and we made 65 pounds! It was a wonderful energising evening of inspired story telling, and

To be in with a chance of being published in 2019 enter our latest Award, which closes on February 10th, or come to the Flash Fiction Festival June 28th – 30th next year. We love to support flash fiction writers. You can buy both of these 2018 anthologies in print from Ad Hoc Fiction’s bookshop or now also from Kindle and Nook (links on the bookshop page).
Our thanks to Christopher Fielden for the group photos and Crysse Morrison for most of the individual pictures of authors in the gallery.