Jude Higgins and Meg Pokrass will both be at the Poetry Society’s Free Verse the Poetry Book and Magazine Fair, organised by The Poetry Society, on Saturday 22nd September in Senate House, London 11.00 am – 4.00 pm Jude will be taking along all the books published by Ad Hoc Fiction. Meg will be there to sign her new collection Alligators at Night published in July this year. Come along and say hello. We’ve special book deals on all the anthologies listed below:
- Bath Flash Fiction Award Vol One, To Carry Her Home and Vol, Two, The Lobsters Run Free. In total, there are 280 stories marvellous flash fictions from worldwide writers in these two anthologies by the winners, shortlisted and longlisted writers from the first seven Bath Flash Fiction Awards.
- The two collections of Novella- in-Flash, Saboteur Award winning How to Make a Window Snake’ published in 2017 and In the Debris Field published in 2018
- Flash Fiction Festival One, the anthology of stories from the inuagural Flash Fiction Festival in Bath, 2017.
- Alligators at Night, the first UK published collection by highly acclaimed flash fiction writer, teacher and editor Meg Pokrass, reviewed recently at Atticus Review, SmokeLong Quarterly and here on this website by Frankie McMillian, New Zealand based writer and teacher of flash fiction.